As the name suggested, it’s full of birds, with over 3,000 birds and over 400 species. The real name however is World of Birds Wildlife Sanctuary and Monkey Park, over the years it has been shortened to world of birds. Though it sounds like only birds, there is a whole lot more going on including many species of small mammals and reptiles. Many of these animals have been brought in by the public, confiscated or saved by other means.

It is a short distance from Cape Town center, situated in Hout bay, you can spend the entire day here. With so much to see and interact with, café facilities and play areas giving it a very fun filled and relaxed atmosphere.

Over the years this place has grown on the 4 hectors it was built on, growing to over 100 aviaries that have environments to suite the various animal’s needs, with visitors being able to walk through most of the aviaries having a first-hand experience. There are a few rules to keep the environment safe such as sticking to the paths, no touching, no feeding and general respect but these are seemingly obvious rules, allowing you to experience it as naturally as possible.

Some of these animals will never be released due to permanent injuries, domesticated animals that are homeless, confiscated animals that cannot be released in South Africa and others that may have their own personal reasons, every effort is made from the team to give the best life possible for those animals. Donations making a huge difference with helping to keep the place at its best, though over the year’s world of birds have had many tragedies, from robberies, fires and financial difficulties they still manage to have over 100,000 visitors a year. This is the largest African bird park making it a highlight, not to mention the red bus tour also stops here.

If you don’t spend the whole day here there are wine farms, seal watching, restaurants, crafts and many other quirky things in the area or just laze on the beach to rest the well walked legs.

PS: They are always in need of donations, feel free to use this link to donate or find out what they require if you want to help. Currently there is a drought that has hit Kimberly, here there is a dams that is one of the main breeding sites for the Lesser flamingos, the adults have been forced to abandon their newly hatch chicks in search of water.

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