Picking up from yesterday I was booked and ready to do the next boat trip hoping to see some orca’s and sperm whales that can be found in this area. I had some time before the trip, so I got up ready to do some sites before the big trip.

Snaefellsjokull national park, Iceland I found as a very clean and pristine country full of nature and life wherever I was, so it didn’t surprise me nearing the end of my trip that I couldn’t tell the difference between the national park and non-national park side. Every part spectacular with amazing snow topped views.

Dritvik djupalonssandur, a beautiful beach with incredible stone forms rising from the ground. It is said to be filled with ghosts and shipwrecks. People often test their strength here by picking up large rocks, being ranked according to weights achieved.

Londrangar, the remains of an ancient crater with lands that are not used for hay as the area is said to have elves living here.

Dagverdara, an old abandoned house that is strangely picturesque surrounded by wild landscapes and sheep.

Laki tours, Olafsvik, this was an amazing trip out at sea, with more passionate crew members and wonderful sightings of minke whales, humpback whales and the highlight being loads of killer whales/ orca whales. Watching them playing, feeding, jumping and even meeting up and socialising with a new group.

Ytri Tunga, land of the seal where you can find two wild species, namely the common seal and the grey seal. You can walk up to these on the coastline and watch them living in their own environment. There were plenty of birdlife too, I was lucky enough to stumble upon an Eurasian oyster catcher nest, you need to be very vigilant as they nest on the ground and are easy to step on.

Borgarnes hostel, very nice located hostel with everything in great order and well supplied with things you may need.

Travelled 250km, which went by quite fast with lots of interesting stops and some very entertaining activities and a great place to rest at the end of it.

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